Coronavirus and How Web Conferencing Helps During Business Disruption

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The Reality of an Interconnected World

The global citizen can’t go a day without hearing about the menacing coronavirus (SARS-Cov-2 is the name of the virus and the disease it causes is COVID-19). The virus itself is emblematic of living in an interconnected world: as business expands to encompass the world, regional problems become world problems. In fact, the cause for the virus’s spread into Europe and North America seemed to be caused by either travel for vacation or business-related travel.

Consider that epidemics, military coups, and natural disasters have rippling effects on the world stage. No amount of human “progress” is going to halt these problems and business disruption is always likely. While the scope of this post is not to supplement medical professionals, it will be pointing out a major benefit that exists within the scope of web conferencing (read up on Web Conferencing here).

Coronavirus and Business Disruption

When global travel and possibly even regional travel becomes restricted, in-person communication ceases to be feasible. But business must go on because economic halt will cause as much if not more damage then the virus itself. Just recently Dr. Matt McCarthy discussed on Fox Business that quarantine may need to be implemented in the US if the virus continues its spread [1]. This would mean fewer workers going to work, fewer people going to the store, and all-around less business being conducted. While he clarified that this may only affect certain areas of the country it would still be business disruption.

Also, consider how limited business gets when you factor in international travel. A great number of airlines from across the world have restricted all flights to China and many more have done the same with Iran, Italy, and Korea [2]. These measures will diminish the amount of in-person communication by a massive amount.

Web Conferencing and Remote Communication  

But here in lies the service that can help curb the business disruption caused by the coronavirus. Our digital age has lead to interconnectivity but that connectivity does not have to be face to face. Web conferencing or collaboration is a telecom service that allows for remote audio, video, and web communication. We are talking full-blown conferences of 100 plus people on the same phone call, all looking at the same shared screen and then this conference can be recorded and shared digitally. The crux of web conferencing is to save time on travel and the cost of travel.

The looming problem of slowed business doesn’t have to arrive if business people are savvy with how they communicate. There are many different platforms available within web conferencing from Webex, PGi, Century Link, and Zoom to name a few. All allow for more meetings per day and less money spent on airfares and hotels.

Keep Your Business Running

Online collaboration is a service that can keep business running despite the interconnected problems a global world might present. If you are interested in web conferencing and the benefits that remote communication can have during times of disruption, we at Conectrix would love to connect with you and find the right platform for your needs.

[1] How many Americans will catch coronavirus? (

[2] Airlines suspends flights due to coronavirus outbreak. (

Zachary Lawless