Moving to the Cloud

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Cloud Computing and Business Transformation

Cloud computing has forever transformed the way modern business is conducted. While Cloud computing is burgeoning onto the scene it is rapidly becoming a strategy that all companies should seriously consider adopting. Here are some of the ways in which the Cloud improves the way businesses manage their Enterprise Computing Environment.

First Benefit of The Cloud

The first benefit of moving to the Cloud is HA (High Availability), flexibility, and scalability. HA allows business applications to be available longer. This means that emails can be sent out at higher percentages and business applications are accessible longer. The Cloud effectively lets you have your applications available all the time. More availability means that Cloud computing also offers more flexibility and scalability, or the ability to turn features on and off and remove computing resources when you no longer need them.

Second Benefit of The Cloud

The second benefit is that it saves businesses money. The Cloud reduces the need to purchase, manage, and update your own premise-based computing environment. The upfront cost of purchasing new or used hardware goes away. Normally, the devices you need first have to be purchased, then updated with the latest firmware, then updated again with additional software and patches. The Cloud takes care of all of this by allowing you to move from a CAPEX to an OPEX expenditure model.

“More secure on a Cloud computing system than premised based or hybrid solutions.”

Third Benefit of the Cloud

The third benefit is security. Your customer’s information and Intellectual Property are more secure on a Cloud computing system than premised based or hybrid solutions. Companies are less likely to incur a cybersecurity attack in the Cloud than in a premise-based environment. What’s more, if an employee forgets their laptop in a public place, or has their device stolen, Cloud solutions like DaaS (Desktop as a Service or VDI) prevent companies from losing sensitive customer data on that device. Cloud computing allows the data to be stored on the “Virtual Desktop” safe from physical harm. This carries over to premise-based applications for they are susceptible to loss of power, internet failure, and fires whereas Enterprise Cloud-based environments are not.

By migrating business applications to the Cloud, businesses can focus their resources on fulfilling their core business goals. The Cloud’s possibilities are great and growing; it is a technological trend no business should ignore. If you have any more questions about the Cloud and migration to the Cloud, please contact us.

Sean Lawless