5G, IoT, and The Continuing Evolution of Internet Connectivity

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The fifth generation of wireless networks has been on the scene for a while but is now just coming into its own. Unlike past generations of mobile networks that focused on connecting people to data and other users, 5G will focus on the interconnectivity of devices and machines (IoT). Let’s examine 5G, its significance on IoT and how this next-gen cellular network is indicative of the continuing evolution of internet connectivity.

Overview of 5G

5G is the fifth generation of mobile networks. The “G” stands for generation and when a new generation comes out a new number is added. As mentioned earlier, 5G will introduce features that differ from the previous generations, but this is to be expected as each new generation becomes incompatible with the one before.

The most profound way 5G will differ from its predecessors is that it will bring about less latency, bigger channels (or speeding up the transfer of data), and IoT which, as we explained in an earlier blog, means greater connectivity between devices.

Comparing 5G to 4G LTE

The previous generation of wireless networks was 4G LTE and it possessed speeds of 5 to 12 Mbps (Megabits per second) for download and 2 to 5 Mbps for upload. At its fastest possible achievable speed, though this is only theoretical, 4G can reach 100 Mbps. Now with 5G, users will have speeds of 2 Gbps or 2,000 Mbps. That is monstrously faster than 4G. However, this is 5G at its fastest and currently, it is very hard to achieve such speeds.

With the present wireless network, 5G devices need to use 4G networks because not enough coverage exists for 5G. Something to consider too is that 5G plans were rolled out last year but you probably haven’t noticed much because again, the proper infrastructure isn’t in place yet. This is analogous to when 4G rolled out in 2010 but its features didn’t become apparent or weren’t utilized to the best of their ability until 2 to 3 years later.

5G works in similar ways to 4G only the flexibility and scalability are much greater. Still, 5G can only run on the existing frequencies that 4G has to offer. Despite being able to run at crazy speeds, 5G is using 4G airways which restrict the clear blocks of space 5G needs for its high speeds. This will likely change at year’s end as development is already underway, meaning that 5G urban coverage will emerge onto the scene and reach those crazy speeds we mentioned earlier.

5G and the Internet of Things

In an earlier Conectrix blog, we discussed how IoT is communication between devices, as they send information gathered to a main source. 5G is perfect for utilizing the full potential for the internet of things because 5G will propel the speed of internet connectivity and into more remote places. Both will work to benefit the other. Faster speeds will make the inter-connectivity of devices stronger and their communication wider-reaching.

Internet performance will improve and in wider areas; improved and more reliable transfer of data can be expected as well. This would mean that services and industries which need information fast will be getting their prized data at breakneck speeds. Medical workers in an ambulance will be able to convey information instantly to doctors in a hospital.

More devices than ever will be able to communicate with one another and with greater ease. New industries could raise overnight as meaningful data is tabulated in seconds, set straight to a phone instead of a data center, and wielded by a savvy entrepreneur.

The Evolution of Internet Connectivity

Once the 5G framework is in place a lot of innovation will occur. Unmanned cars will finally have their anchor point to get the fast-twitch reaction speeds they need. There will be massive cost savings and earning for those utilizing 5G since the transfer of data will be close to instant.

Experts surmise that 5G will be as innovative as electricity and the automobile due to the sheer potential of the speeds and connectivity of this fifth generation of cellular wireless networks. Further research figures that 5G will be like the internet’s introduction in that a wealth of new jobs and services will burst onto the scene as new problems and opportunities manifest.

It can not be understated how much 5G will shake up the digital landscape. Automation, data collection, data sharing, and smart everything will be created with staggering levels of sophistication.

Closing Thoughts

Though I just said how amazing 5G will be, this again is only guesswork and the practical measures have yet to be measured. What is known is that all four, major phone carriers in the US are rolling out 5G wireless in some form and 5G is currently available in only a few cities in the US. As with 4G, the true potential of 5G will manifest in the coming years.

Sean Lawless