Cloud Genix Version of SD Wan

When Map-Quest came out it was such a helpful innovation. No more physical maps or having to memorize street names beforehand. But ask yourself: Are you using Map-Quest anymore? Why would you ever turn-off the modern, more versatile, and more useful Google Maps?

CloudGenix and SD-WAN

This line of reasoning can be ported over to CloudGenix’s version of SD-WAN. We have discussed WAN on this blog before, but as a recap: WAN stands for “wide area networking” and is used in telecommunications to connect computers over far stretches of geographic space. Merely having WAN was a blessing in the past, but today a superior version is available. Most WAN vendors are similar to Map-quest in that they will provide you with the information to get from Point A to Point B, but they don’t have all of the information that you require. CloudGenix autonomous WAN is like Google Maps in that they consider accidents, rush hour, police stops, and alternate routes. The question is really: do you want version one of a product or version three?

The End-User

CloudGenix knows what end users want and that is to have their applications perform well; nobody wants to stare at a loading screen. Other SD-WAN providers are still selling version one and their differentiator is saving money and a cheaper solution. But this isn’t what the customer wants, because, as we mentioned in that earlier SD-WAN post: the customer wants security, reliability, and for their applications to run effectively. CloudGenix’s autonomous WAN is designed to improve your end user’s experience, improve visibility, improve your effectiveness through simplification, and improve automation and self-healing. Applications at the edge of modern technology in addition to cost savings.

“CloudGenix knows what end users want and that is to have their applications perform well.”

Autonomous SD-WAN

Keeping in line with the Map-Quest vs. Google Maps thinking, CloudGenix’s autonomous SD-WAN is agnostic. Most SD-WAN providers piggy-back off of carriers like Century Link, Comcast, and Verizon and use their underlying transport whether it be it fiber, broadband, LTE, etc. On the other hand, CloudGenix SD-WAN is carrier and connectivity agnostic. Map-Quest was reliant on the ability to print. Google Maps is right on your phone, tailored for your convenience.

Technology, particularly in our modern world, is not something to be cheap with. One should consider CloudGenix’s version 3 of SD-WAN because a higher price is not reason enough to miss out on improved application performance, increased visibility, and better security.

For further insight as to how one might leverage SD-WAN, do not hesitate to reach out to us at Conectrix.

Sean Lawless